February 9, 2012

Bringing Sight To The Blind

Within the last several weeks I have been training a dear brother here (Paul) with the eye vision and glasses kit (i-see) from i-tec ministries.

In the next few weeks both Paul and I will travel to several surrounding villages where he will then be administering eye exams and matching up villagers with glasses that suit their personal needs. It is great to see this brother excited to minister among his own people and even share with them the message of God's love in the face of Jesus Christ.

Please, pray that not only will the Lord bring physical sight to the blind but, that he would also open up the hearts and eyes of many who are blind to their current need of salvation in Christ. Also remember Paul as he will be visiting an area that at one time persecuted him for his faith. Our prayer is that many will see his example and that many conversations and encounters for deeper dialogue will make themselves available for the future.

          Here are some pictures from our time in Paul's Village: