November 15, 2013

When Silence is Arrogance:

This was a very encouraging set of videos for me today. I pray that you to may find the encouragement and truth represented in them as well. It is as J.I Packer has written; "The wish to win the lost, should be the natural, spontaneous outflow of LOVE in the heart of everyone who has been born again... May I stress again: If we ourselves have known anything of the love of Christ for us, and if our hearts have felt any measure of gratitude for the grace that has saved us from death and hell, then this attitude of compassion and care for our spiritually needy fellowmen ought to come naturally and spontaneously to us".

David Platt - Silence Is Arrogance from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

Here is also an interview given after this sermon was preached. In it is some very good insight and encouragement for us who follow Christ and claim to love His glory.

Don't Be a Hater from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

July 11, 2013

A Sundanese Wedding!


For the last two months I have been given the great pleasure of leading a young Indonesian couple every week in per-marital counseling before their upcoming marriage together.

Two weeks ago Elijah and I traveled 4 hours away to attend this traditional Sundanese wedding together.  I was asked to speak to the some 200 people in attendance in regards of the union of this couple in marriage and the picture that it represents in displaying the relationship between Christ and His church. It was a great delight to see a traditional Sunda wedding where Christ was the focal point of the entire service.

The next morning Elijah and I spent the better part of the morning visiting with many friends and family of the wedding couple (many had stayed the night due to the late night celebrations and the far travel for some to their homes). Andi asked if I would preach to his many friends and family in attendance. About 80% of these people represented the religion of Islam with Andi's father himself being a Mu-lim leader.

What a great honor to have opened up my Bible on this morning and share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the many who were in attendance. Please, continue to pray for Andi and Irma that their marriage would glorify Christ and bring great honor to Him. Also, please continue to pray for the many men and women in Andi and Irma's family who still do not know Christ, who heard the message preached to them within this wedding. May their eye's be opened and their souls enlightened with their desperate need of Christ for salvation.

February 8, 2013

David Platt's New Book "Follow Me"

I just bought my copy of this book two days ago. This is not an endorsement as I have not yet read this book. However, judging from this video intro, his previous book and the sermons that he preaches, I am very much excited about starting "Follow Me" by David Platt. Take a look