Helpful Resources/ Books


"Ten Sheckles and a Shirt" -Paris Reidhead   We are here ONLY to glorify and honor God and the truth is we can not even do this on our own. Thank God for Jesus Christ & the ministry of the Holy Spirit who changes us supernaturally, transforming our lawless, reckless, and depraved nature to one that seeks to glorify Him and Him alone. This is one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard. I pray that it is also a blessing for you.

"Doing Missions When Dying is Gain" - John Piper 
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Mark 8:34). John Piper delivers a remarkable call to missions while urging listeners to give up the presumption of comfort and security. In light of the words of Christ, it is shocking how many of us insist that, if we serve God in some official ministry capacity, He should provide us with creature comforts and safety for our families. But, what we want and will for our lives may not be what the Lord calls us to do. We are to go where He leads no matter what the cost. 

"The Fuel of Death Defying Missions" David Platt
A pastor who believes that God is sovereign over all things will lead his people to be a death defying missional people. Our sovereign God holds the destiny of the world in the palm of his hand. Therefore, his shepherds should lead their people to pray confidently, give sacrificially, go intentionally and die willingly for the spread of the gospel message to those who have never heard.
"What is the Gospel" - Voddie Baucham 
Most people within churches today have a false understanding of the Gospel. We associate it with things that are really the law, a message of wealth/prosperity or a message associated with what has come known as a "man centered" theology. In this Sermon, Dr. Baucham discusses what the Gospel is "not" and what the Gospel "is".

"Shocking Youth Message"  - Paul Washer
This is a very Powerful & Biblical message preached to about 5,000 youth in a day when youth are appealed to through shallow and worldly means. At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are clapping and yelling but then the preacher makes a comment that changes the whole atmosphere to where you could have heard a pin drop. If you do not seek to be challenged and possibly made uncomfortable (DO NOT LISTEN to this sermon).

"The Centrality of the Home" -Voddie Baucham
The Bible makes it clear that parents (not Sunday school teachers, youth ministers, or teachers) bare responsibility for the discipleship of their children. Moreover, the church has a responsibility to avoid efforts that undermine this biblical imperative. Unfortunately, much of what we have done for the past several decades has worked against biblical discipleship in the home. There must be a reformation in this area. This message has been the spark for such a reformation in countless lives and local churches around the world.

"The High Cost of Following Christ" - Steve Lawson

"Examine Yourself" - Paul Washer
This is a powerful warning and encouragement for us all to not doubt but, examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith. This message will shatter our evangelical viewpoint of eternal security and hell. Paul Washer speaks against the modern day theology of a carnal and backslidden Christian and points us to the biblical view of those who are to truly walk as Christ's disciples today. The call in this sermon is for a renewed pure gospel message. May we hear this message and walk in it.

"Declare His Glory Among the Nations" - John Piper
God did not make known his ways or reveal his glory or display his marvelous works for you alone, or for your ethnic group alone. He did it with a view to the nations—all the nations, not political states, but nations like the Cherokee Nation, the Navaho Nation, the Waorani Nation. “Peoples” the Psalm calls them. So the first note we will strike is the nations note.John piper in this sermon preaches from the missionary Psalm of Psalm 96.

"Empty Words" - John Macarthur 
"Empty Hearts" -John Macarthur

"Hell's Best Kept Secret" -Ray Comfort
Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected it? Why have many today fallen into patterns and teaching of the Gospel that lead to what seems to be an easy beleivism message without the power to change lives? Don't let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching. In it Ray Comfort sheds light on many of these questions and issues.


       "Knowledge is of no value, unless you put it into practice" 

Theology and Doctrine:
  • "Systematic Theology" - Wayne Grudem
  • "Institutes of the Christian Religion" - Henry Beveridge
  • "Doctrines of Grace" - James Boice 
  • "Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace" - James Boice
  • "The Message of Salvation" - Philip Ryken
  • "The Great Exchange" - Jerry Bridges
  • "Attributes of God" - A.W Pink 
  • "Freedom of the Will" - Jonathan Edwards 

 The Bible:
  • "The Canon of Scripture" - F.F Bruce
  • "Grasping God's Word" - J.Scott Duvall and J.Daniel Hays
  • "The Most Misused Verses in the Bible" - Eric Bargerhuff
  • "The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus" John Cross

 The Gospel and Evangelism:
  • "Tell The Truth" - Will Metzger
  • "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God" - J.I Packer
  • "Today's Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic" - Walter Chantry
  • "The Gospel and Personal Evangelism" - Mark Dever
  • "Follow Me" - David Platt
  • "Hard to Believe" - John Macarthur 
  • "Gospel-Centered Discipleship" - Jonathan Dodson
  • "Multiply: Discples Making Disciples" - Francis Chan
  • "What is Discipleship" - Stephen Smallman
  • "Growing One Another" - Bobby Jamieson (9marks)
  • "Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time" Greg Ogden 

 Spiritual Growth:
  • "Holiness: It's Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties and Roots" - J.C Ryle
  • "Desiring God" - John Piper
  • "Humility" - C.J Mahanney
  • "When People Are Big and God is Small" - Edward T. Welch

The Church:
  • "The Deliberate Church" - Mark Dever
  • "Biblical Eldership" - Alexander Strauch
  • "Pastoral Ministry" - John Macarthur
  • "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals" -John Piper
  • "Radical" - David Platt 

  • "Let The Nations Be Glad" - John Piper
  • "When helping Hurts" - Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
  • "The Great Omission" - Steve Saint
  • "Reaching and Teaching" - David Sills
  • "Paul: Missionary Theologian" -Robert Reymond

The Family:
  • "Duties of Parents" - J.C Ryle
  • "Give Them Grace" - Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson and Tullian Tchividjian
  • "When Sinners Say "I do" - Dave Harvey
  • "Sacred Marriage" - Gary Thomas
  • "This Momentary Marriage" - John Piper 
  • "The Exemplary Husband" - Stuart Scott
  • "The Excellent Wife" - Martha Peace
  • "Family Shepherd" - Voddie Baucham