November 15, 2013

When Silence is Arrogance:

This was a very encouraging set of videos for me today. I pray that you to may find the encouragement and truth represented in them as well. It is as J.I Packer has written; "The wish to win the lost, should be the natural, spontaneous outflow of LOVE in the heart of everyone who has been born again... May I stress again: If we ourselves have known anything of the love of Christ for us, and if our hearts have felt any measure of gratitude for the grace that has saved us from death and hell, then this attitude of compassion and care for our spiritually needy fellowmen ought to come naturally and spontaneously to us".

David Platt - Silence Is Arrogance from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

Here is also an interview given after this sermon was preached. In it is some very good insight and encouragement for us who follow Christ and claim to love His glory.

Don't Be a Hater from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.