We as a family are deeply devoted to Christ and His Word, hospitality, evangelism, discipleship and living lives of authenticity with others. My personal passions in ministry are preaching/teaching (shepherding), sharing the message of the Gospel with others (evangelism) and walking others into a deeper knowledge of God's word and the Gospel (discipleship). My desire is to see others walking as disciples of Jesus Christ, who in turn, seek to reach their own families, communities and ultimately the world for Christ's glory.
All for His glory,
Kyle Schiff
Kyle Schiff:
Interests: Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Running, Basketball, Reading and Blue Grass music. I could get lost for days in a BassPro Shop or a good book store.
Favorite Movies: "Lord of the Rings Trilogy", "The Bourne Trilogy", "Last of the Mohicans"," Count of the Monte Cristo", "Kingdom of Heaven" and "The Patriot".
Interesting Fact:
- Served in the U.S Military and completed a tour of duty to Kuwait and Southern Iraq.
1. "Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties and Roots" - J.C Ryle
2. "Let the Nations Be Glad" - John Piper
3. "Systematic Theology" - Wayne Grudem
Favorite Books of the Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Romans and Psalms.
Misty Schiff:
Interests: Passionate about coffee, talking with friends, pretending to do Pinterest projects, the outdoors, working out and anything fall season: Christmas, cinnamon or pumpkin.
Favorite Movies: "Bourne Trilogy", "Return to Me", "Sleepless in Seattle", "You've Got Mail" and' Karate Kid" (original)
Interesting Fact:
- Has a B.A in Sociology from Appalachian State University and attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to study counseling.
- Misty also was heavily involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at App State and spent two summers working on staff with CRU in Santa Cruz CA.
1. "Loving God With All Your Mind" - Elizabeth George
2. "My Heart in His Hands: Ann Judson of Burma" Sharon L. James
3. "The Hidden Smile of God" John Piper
Favorite Books of the Bible: Psalms, Romans and Ephesians