April 10, 2014

Weekend Discipleship Retreat

As you all know, our family is making preparations for our return back to the States in May. We are in the midst of taking care of all the logistics in such a move and will be soon saying our goodbyes to many of our friends and partners here.  However, at this time, I wanted to ask you to join with us in prayer as we prepare for what will be my last large scale ministry endeavor here in Indonesia before our departure.

Recently, I have been asked to teach at a weekend retreat in Bogor to around 60 men and women on the subject of Discipleship. I have been incredibly overjoyed and humbled that they would want me to come and speak on this most important aspect of the Christian life. This group will be coming from a congregation located in Jakarta that I have had an incredible relationship with for the last several years. 

Will you join with me in praying for this upcoming event in May? Many here in Indonesia (along with many other places in the world – including America) do not see how their confession of Christ translates into actual service and outward work for God’s glory. Evangelism and the command to make disciples are often separated from the life and witness of the church in this location. However, many within this weekender seem hungry to learn how they may reach their friends, families and
neighbors through the high honor and calling of the “Great Commission.”

Throughout the course of this weekend, I will be speaking in three sessions. These sessions will cover the three topics listed below:

Session #1: What is a Disciple? “The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus”
Session #2: What is Discipleship? “Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ”
Session #3: Discipleship in the Home: “A Lifestyle of Discipleship Modeled in the Home”

My prayer is that our time together in this study will be used of God to provoke many in attendance (including myself) towards greater service within our homes, churches and communities through the task of evangelism and discipleship (these being two sides of the same coin of being Christ’s witnesses in this world). Brother and sisters, please pray with us in the weeks leading up to this event. Blessings and love to you all….

March 27, 2014

Thankful For You All!

I trust that many of you have already learned our family will be returning to the States in May after having served the last four years here in Indonesia. As you can all imagine, this is a very bitter- sweet moment for our family. We are excited to once again be with friends and family and our own culture. However, we are also in mourning, as we anticipate having to say goodbye to the many friends and close relationships that have been formed since we first arrived. 

We have felt so honored and privileged in serving the name of Christ to the people of Indonesia and being your representation in this location. Our prayer is that we have acted honorably in our service to God, the nation of Indonesia and for you all. We have been blessed by the partnership that we have shared together with you in taking the saving message of Jesus Christ to the most populated Muslim country in the world.  Your continual prayers, encouragements, packages, visits and financial support have continually been a great source of strength for us here. We could not have had greater support in our ministry here than what we have experienced in you all. We are so thankful for you all!
Ministry Foundation:

In our time here in Indonesia, we have been involved with the start of a ministry foundation that seeks to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of many in this nation. We are excited to report this foundation is not only established but has also been approved by the government (only God can receive such glory in this) and is currently being  operated by local Indonesians. Many of your prayers, finances and even support visits have been instrumental in seeing this goal become a reality. In the last three years, this foundation has been involved with eye vision clinics, dental clinics, teaching English in the villages and surrounding communities, pastoral training, a ministry conference, visitation of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ and providing visas for future workers here. Will you continually join in praying for this foundation as they seek to become more financially independent and seek to greater impact this nation with the truth of the gospel? 
Preaching and Teaching:

Living here has also afforded me with continual opportunities to preach and teach in many house church fellowships, established churches and ministry conferences as well. In our four years here, I have been blessed with the task of meeting with church leaders and fellowships in helping them learn how they may reach their own people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, understand the gospel message and exist biblically within the local church. During this time, much of our ministry has been met with opposition. Often, this opposition has come from many of the false teachers within several of these fellowships and even western workers who have brought “another gospel” (Galatians 1:6-10) to this land. In many regards, ministry for us here has been a continual spiritual battle and struggle. Our efforts have often led to seasons of spiritual fatigue and loneliness. Not only have we experienced this among those who would call themselves Christians but also among some of the Muslim communities that we have lived in as well. However, God in His providence has also allowed us to see a great number of individuals come out from false teaching and unbiblical practices within the church as well. May God receive all praise! We are humbled to have been a part of such spiritual renewal in the lives of those who are running more deeply and passionately for the Gospel in this land and those who have been awakened by its truth. Will you continually join in praying for the church in Indonesia? May the Gospel take root in her and may she be a powerful witness among her own people. 

Discipleship and Evangelism:

The last four years has also given our entire family an amazing opportunity for personal discipleship and evangelism within our home as well. One of my greatest memories of our time here will be in connection to the young college age adults that have been a part of our Friday night Bible studies in our home. This study has had somewhere between 25 men and women who represent American and Indonesians, Buddhists, Muslims, nominal Christians and Christians. Our studies through scripture, questions that have been asked and gospel conversations have been so rewarding to have been involved with. Both Misty and I are so grateful for the time we have been able to spend with them all. Will you continually join us in praying for the gospel to take root in many of them? May they continually grow in their love of Christ and His word and be instruments of His glory in a coming generation here. 

Again, we are so humbled to have represented you all in this location and been partners with you in taking the message of the Gospel to Indonesia. Thank you for your continual support and prayers for our family and ministry. We have so many fond memories of you all. As our family is now returning back to the States, we ask that you continue to pray for us as we seek to transition back into American life. We would also cherish your prayers as we currently seek the Lord’s leading and direction in future ministry as well.  We do not know what the future holds for us; however, we can trust that our Father in Heaven will continually be a great source of strength, clarity and provision within our lives. He is great and worthy to be praised!