October 9, 2011

Faith Driven Family Conference

It brings me great joy to announce that Pastor Voddie Baucham will be visiting with my family and I in the month of January. Along with brother Baucham, we will also have the great privilege of having one of his fellow elders along with him and one of my fellow elders (Matt - The question and answer panel extraordinaire) from our sending church as well.

I am growing more and more excited with each passing week to have the opportunity to hang out with, learn from and minister with these men during their visit and stay here.

One such ministry endeavor will be to have Pastor Voddie speak at the "Faith Driven Family Conference" an event that we are in the middle of planning here. The sessions will include "The family in the discipleship of the next generation", "What is the gospel" and a special session for Pastor Baucham to preach on whatever the Lord is so leading him to bring to the people of this location.

After learning of his book "Faith Driven Family" (as it is translated here) being translated into this language and being that I am in great support of what is written within its pages, an invitation was made to Pastor Voddie to come visit and speak concerning it's content. I am very grateful for his enthusiastic desire to come and share with many of the folks here who will come under such teaching.

In the weeks leading up to the start of the planning of this event, I had been buying these books and meeting with several pastors, elders and church leaders to give them a copy and discuss it's content. The amount of excitement I have been receiving from these men in regards to the content of this book have been somewhat shocking. There seems to be a real hunger in understanding more concerning how to lead our families for the glory of the Lord here. This is an area in which many here simply do not know and or understand.  Even for those already in church leadership. This is not something that is often times seen in and modeled by men within this culture.

During the week that follows there will be several other ministry endeavors in both the city and in the jungle villages. There will also be moments in which all on this trip will learn concerning the work that is taking place here among those who live here and the needs that are still very much present here as well.

I would ask you all to pray for this week in January. Please, pray for the teaching on the family and the gospel that will be presented in it. Pray, for all those who will come under its teaching. Pray for the three men who will learn and see what our Lord is doing here. Pray for the months in preparations leading up to it. And please pray that above all our Lord and King will be greatly glorified in it. Blessings to you all.


DOGpreacher said...

Oh Yeah! Wow, I googled "Knoxville Churches Sovereign Grace", and I find Basswood Church. We are looking to move to the Knoxville area in the not to distant future if God allows it. I just ended a 7 year pastorate here and we are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us in Tennessee!
So...I find this incredible church(Basswood)and in moving around the site I find you! Your books that line the right side of your blog...I have every one of them except the ones by David Platt. I am looking forward to aquiring his stuff!
We are 50ish empty-nesters who love to give to missions. However I am also an itinerant evangelist so I am not independantly wealthy :<)! Our God is faithful & always seems to send something our way when we are desiring to give to further His Kingdom (Psalm 37)!
BTW when/where is this "Faith Driven Family Conference"?
Brother our prayers will now include the Blaze family as you serve our King! I am...

...grateful for grace!

Mr.Blaze said...

DOG preacher,

I am so very thankful that you have posted here. I want to give you a hearty welcome even from South East Asia, if your are to visit Basswood in the future. I am sure the elders would love a chance to get to know you and speak with you. Just give anyone of them a call.

Yes, David Platt is really saying a lot of great things for a new generation, he is also a very gifted preacher as well.

Thank you for your prayers. They are always needed and wanted within our lives and the work being done for the glory of our Lord in this location.

Please, do not hesitate to write me an e-mail or even get in touch with the eldership over at Basswood. I know they would be thrilled to hear from you.